Vodafone Foundation X Bright Sky
Supporting survivors of domestic abuse
Domestic abuse affects families right across the world. Friends and relatives of people suffering from domestic abuse may want to offer support, but they may not know what to do. 1 in 3 people surveyed in the UK say they don’t know how to help a loved one experiencing domestic abuse.

As part of its work to help people affected by domestic abuse, the Vodafone Foundation has created Bright Sky, a vital NHS-backed service, offering support to survivors of domestic abuse.
Each year, during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Vodafone Foundation shines a spotlight on the often-hidden reality of domestic abuse.

Friends often leave friends feeling more isolated
Research told us that two-thirds of individuals facing abuse first confide in someone close to them. Many receive unhelpful responses, leaving them feeling even more isolated. Our campaign focuses on empowering those who might need to support survivors, but feel unsure how to do so effectively.
"Friends For Life"
Our campaign celebrates the unwavering support true friends offer throughout life’s ups and downs. Drawing inspiration from social media “memory” features, we reminded our audience that they’ve always known how to be there for their loved ones, and now we can help them know what to do when supporting those experiencing domestic abuse.